Research Policy of the Institution
Patents Published
Name of the Patentee Title of the Patent Year Place
Dr.Santosh Vadhrya Analysis of Capital Structure Its Determinants in Various Indian Companies 2021 India
Dr.Santosh Vadhrya Execution of Green Supply Chain Management Analysis 2021 India
Mr. Raju Chauhan Analysis of Capital Structure Its Determinants in Various Indian Companies 2021 India
Mr. Raju Chauhan Execution of Green Supply Chain Management Analysis 2021 India
Dr. Nilesh Mhatre An IOT Based Healthcare Management Information System 2021 Australia
Dr. Shaili Gala Enterprise Financial Risk Exposure Management System 2022 India
Dr. Vinod Zalte Developing Communication Skills 2022 India
Dr. Vinod Zalte The Women Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment 2022 India
Dr. SachinBhumbe Developing Communication Skills 2022 India
Ms. Nidhi Dattani Green Human Resource Management Practices Framework for Healthcare Organizations under Stressful Covid-19 2022 India
Dr. Asha Menon System and Method for Mediating Effect of Stress Management Among Employees in Information Technology Sector 2023 India

Research Area / Topic
Ph.D ( Completed )
Dr. Aarti Vyas Varma Pre and Post recession analysis of performance with special reference to gold loan companies in Thane region
Dr. Nimisha Kambli Consciousness, Subjectivity, Abstraction of Time: Phenomenological Investigation of Selected Novels by Kurt Vonnegut, John Fowels and Umberto Eco
Dr. Sachin Bhumbe Malevolence of Caste Tyranny and Struggle for Central Locus: A Study of Selected Dalit Autobiography Click here to view
Dr. Rekha Randive Characterization Study of INDION GS 300 ( Nuclear Grade ) and INDION FF-IP ( Non-Nuclear Grade ) ANION Exchange Resins
Dr. Vinod Zalte Eco-spirituality in the Novels of Louise Erdrich
Dr. Shaili Gala A Study of Value Creation through Knowledge Management Practices with Reference to Higher Education Institutions in Mumbai
Dr. Kavita Nikam Work Life Balance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior as Concomitants of Organizational Ethics and Values: A Study of IT Sector Professionals Click here to view
Dr. Shivaji Methe A Psychological Analysis of the Protagonists of Shashi Deshpande
Dr. Shobha Bharat Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Pre-Adolescence as a Function of Parenting Styles Click here to view
Dr. Veena Shete A Study of Working Conditions of Teachers in Self Financing Courses in Higher Education Institution in Mumbai Click here to view
Dr. Manisha Parelkar Comprehension of Nutrition Messages in Labeling and Their Effects on Consumer Behaviour Click here to view
Dr. Geeta Jadhav Swatantryottar Marathi Natkatil Nayakache Swaroop ( 1947-1990 Ya Kalkhandatil Nivdak Natkanchya Aadhare ) Click here to view
Dr. Suchita Bhovar A Study of ICT Applications in Cooperative banks in Mumbai Click here to view
Dr. Savita Chavan Crystallizing Heteroglossia, Hybridization and Double Consciousness in select native American Narratives Click here to view
Dr. Madhuri Vaidya Generativity, Resilience and Mindfulness : Psychological Correlates of Physical health and Subjective wellbeing among Young Elderly
Dr. Purvy Karia Impact of Social Media Marketing of Skin Care Cosmetics on Consumer Decision Making Process – a study of Mumbai City Click here to view
Dr. Amrita Behel Association of Dietary Nutrient Patterns, Body Composition, Lifestyle and Age at Menarche of urban school-going girls
Ph.D ( Ongoing )
Mr. Meet Shinde A Psychological Exploration of the Non-Dalits’ Scheme of Dalits and the Dalits Urban Experiences of Caste based Discrimination: A Grounded Theory Based Enquiry
Mr. Raju Chauhan A study of commuters’ preference and satisfaction towards passenger road transport services.

Minor Research Project ( Completed )
Dr. Ritu Bhatia A study of the Perceptions of Adolescents Regarding Reproductive and Sexual Health

Research Awards:
Research awards received by the faculty
Name of the faculty member Research Awards and Recognition Received
Dr. Madhumita Bandopadhyaya Awarded first prize for Paper titled “ The Two Competitors: Maritime Trade on Western Coast and BB & CI Railway ( 1864-1874 )” in Young Researcher category at the 8thDr.Manikamerkar Memorial Seminar on August 1, 2015
Dr. Asha Menon Received first prize for oral presentation on topic “ Perception Of Happiness Among Under Privileged Early Adolescent Girls” at 3rd International Conference on Public Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bengaluru Co-organised by department of Human Development, of our College the December 14-15, 2016.
  Dr. Shaili Gala Received Best Paper Award for her research paper, “ Use of Digital Technology in Business, Financial services and Education systems: Challenges & Opportunities” in an International conference held in Sewa Sadan College, Ulhasnagar on February 10, 2018.

Seminar/Workshops conducted by the institution during the year 2021-2022

Name of the workshop/ seminar Dates
Series of Webinars on 'Indian Feminism Through the Ages' December 23, 2021 to March 08, 2022
Workshop on 'How to use Smart Studio Classrooms' October 25, 2021
One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on 'Teaching-Learning Digital Skills in 21st Century' July 26, 2022 to August, 01, 2022
One Day National Webinar on ‘Paperless Office and Green Campus Initiatives’ June 05, 2021
One Day Workshop on ‘Office Automation’ September 24, 2021
One Week Workshop on ‘ Teacher Training in Mental Health Literacy’ October 04, to 09, 2021
National Webinar on ‘ Vision NEP-2020-Outlining Horizons for Equitable and Inclusive Education’ October 07, 2021
Two Days Workshop on ‘ Mapping of POs, PSOs and COs’ and ‘ Measuring levels of attainment of POs, PSOs and COs’ December 20 to 24, 2021
IOT Workshop cum Certificate Course May 04 to 25, 2022

Webinars/Workshops conducted during the year 2022-2023

Name of the workshop/ seminar Dates
Shubha Acharya, Head and Associate Professor, Department of English, Shri M. D. Shah Mahila College, Malad, Mumbai October 14, 2022
Webinar on ‘Financial Independence’ on the occasion of Azadika Amrut Mahotsav in collaboration with Department of Management Studies and National Stock Exchange for students of M. Com II. Mr. Yuvrajsinh Desai ( Stock Broker ) was the resource person. July 25, 2022
Webinar on ‘Climate Change’ organized by Department of Communication & Journalism, the University of Mumbai along with UNICEF November 18, 2022 November 18, 2022
Workshop of 21 days of Meditation- ‘Living Lively- Getting Unstuck Creating a Limitless Life’ by Youth Avenue of Rotary Club of Mumbai, Ghatkopar November 14 to December 04, 2022 November 14 to December 04, 2022
Webinar on ‘Investor Awareness and the Role of Regulators’ in collaboration with the Post Graduate Department of Commerce of our college and the National Stock Exchange and Board of Industry-Academia October 14, 2022
Workshop on Self Defense ‘Mission Aatmaraksha’ for all the third-year students and NCC Cadets across the department. National Kickboxing Champion Mr. Sahil Baperkar and Mr. Atharva Bagwe were the resource persons. July 20, 2022
National Webinar on ‘Journey of Early Childhood Education in India’ organized in collaboration with Association for Early Childhood Education and Development to commemorate Azadika Amrut Mahotsav. The resource persons were Prof. Anubha Rajesh, Professor, Centre for Early Childhood Development and Research, Jamia Millia Islamia, Prof. SunitiSanwal, Head of The Department, Elementary Education, National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT ), Dr Vrinda Datta, President, AECED. The Webinar had 480 participants. August 13, 2022
Webinar on ‘Financial Independence’ to commemorate ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav, 2022’ in collaboration with SmtDevilaben Mehta Department of PG studies ( M. Com ) of our college along with BSE. Mr. Yuvraj Singh Desai was the resource person. July 25, 2022
Organized an Expert Talk on 'Prevention and Dealing with Sexual Harassment' by Advocate Vishal Saxena, for Second Year Under Graduate Students July 21, 2022

Book Publication:
Dr. Vedprakash Dubey published a chapter titled ‘Madhu Kanariya ka Jivan Sanghrash aur Sahitya Chetana’ published in HSRA Publications, Bangaluru in the book titled ‘Hindi Mahila Sahityakar: Jivan Sanghrsh aur Sahitya Chetana’ in March 2024 with ISBN-978-93-506-701-2.

Dr. Shivaji Methe edited a book on ‘Indian Responses to 21 st Century African Women’s Writing,’ published by Vidhan Publishing house, Amaravati with ISBN 978-81-960565 and wrote an introduction titled, ‘21st African Women’s Writing at Crossroads’, for the same.

Dr Asha Menon published a chapter titled ‘Innovative Leadership: Nurturing Creativity in the Workplace’, in the book Fusion of Knowledge: Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Research, Vol. 2, Red’Shine Publication Pvt Ltd in association with Red’Mac International Press & Media. INC, October 2023. ISBN: 978-93-879-211-9.

Dr Asha Menon published Chapters titled ‘Embracing Neuro-diversity: Pedagogical Strategies for Diverse Learners’ and ‘Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in Online Education’ in the book Multidisciplinary Explorations in Modern Research (Vol. 1), Published by Red’ Shine Publication Pvt Ltd. Pg 85-95. ISBN: 978-93-5879-799-2.

Dr Asha Menon published Chief Editor of a book titled ‘Confluence of curiosity Multidisciplinary Explorations in Modern Research (Vol. 2), published by Paradox International Publications Guide House and red’ shine Publication Pvt Ltd. India.

Papers Published:
Dr. Vedprakash Dubey published a research article titled “Kabir Sahitya ka Samaj Shastra” in an International Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal Sahitya Samvad in the November 2023 issue.

Ms. Ranjana M. Chaubey published research articles titled ‘Aatma Ki Pavitrata Me Nihit Rajnitik Vyangyon Ka Anusheelan’ in the January 2024 issue and article titled ‘Dhumil Ki Kavitaon Me Loktantra’ in the February 2024 issue in an International Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal Sahitya Samvad.

Dr. Janak Nandini Tripathi published a research paper titled ‘Jaishankar Prasad Ka Hindi Sahitya Me Avadaan’ in the ‘Drishtikon Journal’ Delhi, in March - April 2024, ISSN 0975-119X; Impact factor: 5.051

Dr. Madhumita Bandyapadhyaya published a paper entitled, ‘Pricing of Passenger Fares in Railways: A Study of BB & CI Railway Company (1860-1870)’ published in Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, 81 st Session, December 2023, pp.636-644, UGC Care Listed Journal, ISSN 2249-1937.

Dr. Shaili Gala published a research paper titled ‘A Comparative Analysis of Different Investment Vehicles for Gold: Physical Bullion, ETFs, and Gold Mining Stocks In Indian Market,’ in AIAIMS Peer Reviewed Research Journal, Volume XII: Issue 1, ISSN 0976-2507, Jan- Jun 2022, page no 12-14 (Published in April 2024)

Dr. Aarti Varma published 2 papers titled ‘Outlook Towards Research Project among Postgraduate Students in Mumbai Colleges’ and ‘Understanding Consumer Perception towards E- Bike with Reference to Mumbra City,’ in an International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, a monthly Peer- Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed International Research Journal with IC Value: 86.87, UGC Approved Journal No: 47793, ISSN(O): 2455-0620, Impact Factor: 9.47.

Mr. Raju Chauhan published 2 papers titled ‘The Significance of Marginal Costing in Pricing: an In- Depth Analysis’ and ‘Study on the Application of Marginal Costing in Decision Making,’ in an International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT) International Open-Access, Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Multidisciplinary Online Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, March 2024, Certificate No: 032024-A1648, Impact factor 7.53 DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT- 17580.

Mr. Raju Chauhan published a paper titled ‘Insights into Passenger Transport Choices: A Mumbai Case Study,’ in a an International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT) International Open-Access, Double-Blind, Peer- Reviewed, Refereed, Multidisciplinary Online Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, April 2024, Certificate No: 042024-A1758, Impact factor 7.53 DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT- 17580.

Mrs. Vagishwari Gore published a paper titled ‘Female Warriors from Indian Mythology,’ in GAP BODHI TARU, A GLOBAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, an indexed refereed and peer reviewed open access journal (ISSN-2581-5857), Volume VII, Issue II, Pages 49-51.

Mrs. Vagishwari Gore published a paper titled ‘English Language a Lingua Franca: A Medium to Make Universal Citizen,’ in a Special Supplement 08, December 23 of Sanshodhak, a UGC Care Listed Journal, ISSN No. 2394-5990, Pg No. 33-36.

Dr. Shivaji Methe published a paper entitled ‘Reflection of Inner Conflict in the Plays of Mahesh Elkunchwar’ in Humanities and Social Science Studies journal: I Vol. 13, Issue 1, No. 2, January - June: 2024 UGC Care Approved, Group I, Ref. No. 199 “Social Science” Peer Reviewed, Bilingual, Biannual, Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal ISSN 2319-829X with Impact Factor F=7.28 (1st Author).

Dr. Savita Chavan published a research paper in International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (EIIRJ) ISSN 2277-8721 in volume 12, issue 4 (June-August, 2023) with impact factor - 8.311 with the title- ‘Revisiting Sant Tukaram at the Pinnacle of Bhakti Tradition: A Multidimensional Perspective’ ( pg. no. 152- 156).

Dr Asha Menon published a paper titled ’Amalgamating Community Enrichment Programs In Home Science With The National Education Policy 2020’, Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR- JHSS), volume 29, Issue 3, Series 11 (March, 2024) pg. 11-14 e-ISSN: 2279-0837.

Dr Asha Menon published a paper titled ‘Parent Involvement in Pre-Schools: Barriers and Opportunities’ in International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, 5, Issue 5 (September-October 2023). E-ISSN: 2582-2160.

Dr. Ritu Bhatia published a paper on ‘A Study of the Challenges Faced by Parents in Seeking Admissions in Nursery School’ in Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Volume-C, Issue-07, 2023 (UGC Care Listed Group-I Journal), Impact factor 6.5, ISSN: 0378-1143, July 2023.

Dr. Ritu Bhatia published a paper on ‘A study of the Perception of Middle-aged Individuals of Mumbai City Regarding the Influence of Midlife Crises on Various Aspects of Their Lives’ in Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal -Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics, Vol: XVII, November 2023 ISSN: 0975-802X (UGC Care Listed Journal).

Paper Presentations:
Dr. Rajashree Chaurasia Presented paper in national seminar on ‘Tulsidas ka Ramcharitmanas me vyakt jivan Mulya’ at M. D. Shah mahila college, Malad, Mumbai on January 12, 2024.

Dr. Rajashree Chaurasia Presented a paper on “Vidya Nivas Mishr Ke Nibandh Mein Rashtriy Chetna” at Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College Ghatkopar on February 23 and 24, 2024.

Dr. Janak Nandini Tripathi presented a paper In national seminar on ‘ Tulasidas Ke Raamacharitamanas Mein Vyakt Jeevan Mulya’ Organized by Maharastra Rajya Hindi Sahitya Akadami and Shri M.D. Shah Mahila Mahavidyalay, Mumbai on January 12, 2024.

Dr. Janak Nandini Tripathi presented a paper in national seminar on ‘Bharatiya Sanskriti Ki Samriddhi Mein Hindi Bhasha Evam Saahitya Ki Bhumika’ organized By Maharashtra Rajya Hindi Sahitya Akadami and Wilson Mahavidyalay, Mumbai on February 7, 2024.

Dr. Janak Nandini Tripathi presented a paper in a seminar on ‘Samakaleen Hindi Sahitya Mein Rashtriya Evam Sanskritik Vicharadhara’ organized by Maharashtra Rajya Hindi Sahitya Akadami & Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala Mahavidyalaya, Ghatkopar, Mumbai on February 23 – 24, 2024.

Dr. Janak Nandini Tripathi presented a paper in International seminar on ‘Uttar Pradesh Ke Sahityakaron Ka Hindi Sahitya Mein Avadaan’ organized by C.K.N.K.H. (Chalo Kuchh Nyara Karte Hain) Hindi Sahitya Samiti, Delhi on February 27 – 28, 2024.

Dr. Madhumita Bandyapadhyaya presented a paper titled ‘Impact of Bombay Baroda Central India Railway on Cotton Trade’ at the 3 rd International Conference on Indian Business & Economic History held at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad from August 31 to September 2, 2023.

Dr. Madhumita Bandyapadhyaya presented a paper entitled, ‘Iron Foundry at Poonasa: Debates, Deliberations and Discussions’ in the International Conference on Metal, Mining and Metallurgy in South Asia: Historical Perspective” held on January 11-12, 2024, organised by Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur. Won the Best paper Award in this International Conference.

Dr. Madhumita Bandyapadhyaya presented a paper entitled, ‘Parvati Athavale: A Trendsetter for Widows in Modern India’ in Multi-Disciplinary National Conference organized by Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of T.Z.A.S.P. Mandal’s Pragati College of Arts and Commerce, Dombivli on ‘Architects of Modern India: Past, Present and Future’ on March 5, 2024.

Ms. Malati Singh presented a paper titled ‘Manmohan Singh: The Visionary behind India’s Economic Reforms’ in multidisciplinary national conference on ‘Architects of Modern India: Past, Present and Future’ organized by department of Social Science and Humanities, Paragati college of Arts and Commerce, Dombivali on March 5, 2024.

Dr. Shaili Gala presented a paper on ‘Adhunik Yug Ma Digambar Jain Dharmana Sathware Striyono Ane Striyo Matenu Yogdan,’ for the International Virtual Conference on International Women’s Day, ‘Unveiling the Role of the Women in the Indian Knowledge System’ organized by K. J. Somaiya College, GAP India, CACHE & Sinhgad College of Commerce on March 9, 2024.

Mr. Raju Chauhan presented a paper titled ‘Insights into Passenger Transport Choices: A Mumbai Case Study,’ in a Seminar on “Entrepreneurship-One Step towards Atmanirbhar Bharat (EOSAB- 2024)” at Vaish College Rohtak held on April 18, 2024.

Mr. Raju Chauhan presented a research paper titled ‘Analysing the Relationship between Cost, Travel Time, and Commuters’ Transportation Mode Choice,’ at the National Conference on ‘Mistakes in the Process of Indian Growth & Development; Learning for Being a Developed Country by 2047,’ organized by Achievers’ College of Commerce and Management, Kalyan, on April 22, 2024.

Mrs. Vagishwari Gore presented a paper titled ‘Omprakash Valmiki’s Joothan as an Expression of the Discontent of the Marginalized Community,’ in a National Conference on ‘Marginalization to Inclusiveness’ organized by Maharashtra College, Mumbai, on February 17, 2024.

Mrs. Vagishwari Gore presented a paper titled ‘Female Warriors from Indian Mythology,’ in an International Conference on ‘Unveiling the Role of Women in the Indian Knowledge System,’ organized by K.J.Somaiya College in collaboration with GAP, CACHE and Sinhgad College of Commerce, Mumbai, on March 9, 2024.

Mrs. Vagishwari Gore presented a paper on ‘English Language a Lingua franca: A Medium to Make Universal Citizen’, in an International Conference on ‘Contribution of Languages and Culture for World Peace and Progress,’ organized by Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Satara on October 26, 2023.

Presented a paper titled ‘Contribution of Saint Literature in the Development of India’ at an International conference on ‘Viksit Bharat - Towards a Five Trillion Economy ‘on February 23 and 24, 2024 organized by Sydenham College, Mumbai with GAP (Grand Academic Portal).

Dr. Savita Chavan presented a paper titled ‘An Analysis of Saint Janabai ‘Contributions in Literature, Spiritual Discourse and Women’s Empowerment’ in an International Conference on ‘Unveiling the Role of Women in IKS’ organized by KJ Somaiya College, GAP and Sinhagad College of Commerce, Mumbai on March 09, 2024.

Dr. Purvy Karia presented a research paper titled ‘Exploration into the Dynamics of Work Life Balance of Women Teachers’ on February 21, 2024 in a National Level Seminar on ‘Emerging Trends and Growing Opportunities in the Fields of Commerce and Accountancy,’ hosted by S.K. Somaiya College, Vidyavihar.

Mr. Keval Gandhi presented Research Paper on ‘Awareness of Stock Market among Students of Department of BAF, SNDT University’ during International Conference at Atharva Institute of Management on January 30, 2024.

Dr. Ritu Bhatia Presented a research paper on ‘A study of the Water Access. Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Practices Among Women Residents of Slum /semi slum areas of Mumbai City focusing SDG- 6’ at National conference on ‘Managing People Planet and Profit: shaping the Sustainable future through Innovation and Digitalization’ organized by Navrachana University, Vadodara, Gujrat on December 14-15, 2023. This was published in the Journal of The K.R. Cama Oriental Institute, ISSN: 0970-0609 (Print) with IF= 7.854 Volume No. 78 (January /February 2024) UGC Care Listed Journal Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal.

Ms. Bijal Lalan presented a poster on the topic of ‘Trans Fatty Acid Intake among Adolescents in Mumbai’ in 55th Annual National Conference of Nutrition Society of India held at ICMR - National Institute of Nutrition on November 25 & 26, 2023.

Ms. Bijal Lalan participated and presented a research project titled ‘Consumption of Trans Fat in Young and Middle-aged Adults in Mumbai’ at 16 th Aavishkar: Maharashtra State Inter University Research Convention hosted by Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik between January 12 and 15, 2024.

Ms. Nidhi Dattani Presented research paper titled ‘Petals and Preferences - Exploring Gen Z Choices for Flower as Gifts’ and ‘Assessment of Visual Fatigue Among Teachers of Higher Education’ at the International Conference on Innovative Advances with Indigenous Knowledge in Family and Community Sciences (Home-Science) organized by Gujarat Chapter, Home-Science Association of India (HSAI) on November 29, 2023.

Ms. Nidhi Dattani Presented a research paper titled ‘Young Travellers Preferences: Exploring Trends in India’s Tourism’ at the National Conference on “Preserving the Past, Enriching the Future: Multidimensional Approach Through Sustainable Tourism” organized by the Department of Family and Community Resource Management, MSU, Baroda on February 17, 2024.

FDPs Attended:
Dr. Vedprakash Dubey participated in the Inter/Multi-Disciplinary Refresher Course on ‘Inter- relationships among Indian Languages’ organized from December 07 to 20, 2023 at the University Grants Commission Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Center (MMTTC), Dr. Harisingh Gour University, India with A+.

Ms. Rashmi Singh Completed National Capacity Building Programmed on ‘Advanced Research Methodology sponsored by ICSSR, WRC Mumbai’ organized by Accounting & Finance Department in association with IQAC of V.K Krishna Menon College, Bhandup from February 20 to March 01,2024.

Ms. Rashmi Singh attended the FDP-cum-Workshop on ‘Research Methodology in Practice’ on October 15, 2023 organized by Research India Foundation, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha.

Mr. Meet Shinde completed a 20 hours Certificate course on ‘Narrative Therapy’ organized by Muktha Foundation from February 2-11, 2024.

Ms. Malati Singh completed Capacity Building Programme on “Advanced Research Methodology’ sponsored by ICSSR, WRC Mumbai” organized by Accounting and Finance Department in association with IQAC of V.K Krishna Menon College, Bhandup from February 20 to March 01, 2024.

Dr. Shaili Gala completed a Refresher Course on ‘MOOCs, E-Content Development and Open Educational Resources’ organized by HRDC Amravati from July 3 to 15, 2023.

Dr. Shaili Gala completed Capacity Building Program on ‘Advanced Research Methodology’ sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) organized by IQAC of Menon College, Bhandup, from February 20 to March 1, 2024.

Dr. Aarti Varma completed a National Level Faculty Development Program on ‘Financial Management - Exploring Strategies and Their Impact in Modern Era’ organized by IQAC and Accountancy Association of Nirmala Memorial Foundation College, in collaboration with WIRC, ICAI from February 23 to 28, 2024.

Dr. Aarti Varma completed a Faculty Development Program on ‘Recent Scenario in Career Advancement Scheme as per Seventh Pay Commission’ organized by the CAS Committee along with IQAC of Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Matunga, under the aegis of RUSA on February 28, 2024.

Dr. Aarti Varma completed a Refresher Course in Commerce, Accountancy and Management conducted by UGC, HRDC, University of Mumbai, sponsored by RUSA from June 5 to 17, 2023.

Dr. Nilesh Mhatre completed Refresher Course in Economics organized by Ministry Of Education, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Ministry of Education National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Teaching Learning Centre (TLCC), Ramanujan College, University Of Delhi from June 28 to July 12, 2023.

Dr. Nilesh Mhatre completed Capacity Building Programme on ‘Advanced Research Methodology,’ sponsored by ICSSR, WRC Mumbai, organized by Accounting & Finance Department in association with IQAC of V. K. Krishna Menon College, Sharad Shankar Dighe College and P. A Menon College of Management Bhandup from February 20 to March 1, 2024.

Ms. Soniya Sharma completed FDP Course organized by Patkar College on ‘Research & Publication Ethics (RPE),’ from January 14 to 31, 2024.

Ms. Soniya Sharma completed Online course on ‘Introduction of Digital Marketing’ from Great Learning Academy and Fundamental Course on February 19, 2024 and on Digital Marketing Beginners Guide course on February 20, 2024.

Mr. Raju Chauhan completed a comprehensive Refresher Course in ‘Indian Management System and Arthshastra’ at BhagatPhool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, KhanpurKalan, Sonipat, Haryana from December 7 to 20, 2023.

Dr. Shivaji Methe completed Refresher Course in ‘Advance Research Methodology’ organized by TLC Ramanujan College Delhi from July 21 to August 4, 2023.

Dr. Savita Chavan completed a UGC - Sponsored Refresher Course in English organized by North-East Hill University, Shillong from September 01 to 15, 2023 with grade A.

Dr. Amrita Behel attended the RUSA-sponsored Faculty Training Program titled ‘Renal Diseases & Its Nutritional Management’ organized by Dr. BMN College of Home Science, Matunga on March 1-2, 2024.

Ms. Madhura Shirsat attended the RUSA-sponsored Faculty Training Program titled ‘Renal Diseases & Its Nutritional Management’ organized by Dr. BMN College of Home Science, Matunga on March 1-2, 2024.

Ms. Jinal Thakkar participated in Faculty Development Programme on ‘Research Methodology, Al Tools in Research and Intellectual Property Rights’ organized by Bharathians Alumni Trust, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu and Sri Venkateswara College. of Computer Applications and Management, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu during January 22 to 26, 2024.

Ms. Jinal Thakkar Attended a FDP Capacity Building Program on ‘Advanced Research Methodology’ sponsored by ICSSR - WRC organized by Bachelor of Commerce Accounting & Finance in association with IQAC of V.K Krishna Menon College and Sharad Shankar Dighe College and P. A Menon College of Management Studies, Bhandup from February 20 to March 01, 2024.

Dr. Suchita Bhovar completed course on ‘Data Visualization with Power BI’ and ‘Software Testing’ in the month of July 2023 and course on ‘Building AI first Product Workshop’ by Great Learning in the month of October 2023.

Dr. Suchita Bhovar participated in national level faculty development program on “ChatGpt Plus–Exploring the Educational Potential of Premium Version” organized by Career Development Cell, Gokul Global University, Siddhapur, Gujrat in collaboration with Nucleus of Learning and Development, Vadodara from May 23 to 29, 2024.

Ms. Bhagyashree Badiger competed FDP on ‘Cloud Computing’ organized by KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Karnataka from August 21 to 25, 2023.

Ms. Bhagyashree Badiger competed FDP on ‘Writing an Effective Research Article: Tips and Tricks’ organized by Department of Civil Engineering of KLS VDIT, Uttarakannada from October 03 to 07, 2023.

Students’ Research:
MA (Psychology) students participated and presented research papers at the 31 st Bombay Psychology Association Trusts’ Multidisciplinary International Conference held on March 1 and 2, 2024, organized in collaboration with the Department of Psychology of our College.

Students participated in the 31 st International Economics Convention organized by the K.C. College, Mumbai, between December 11 and 13, 2023. The team presented a paper titled ‘Building the Financial System of the 21 st century: an agenda for Switzerland ’and won the ‘Best Research Paper (2nd Runner Up) Award’ the same.

Ms. Anmol Gupta presented a paper titled ‘A Gender Based Study on Financial Inclusion through Financial Literacy’ at the BPA 31 st Annual International Multidisciplinary conference on “Different and Equal: Psychological Lens to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ held on March 1 and 2 2024.

TYHD Students Ms Ridhi Malde and Ms Sana Shaikh and Post Graduate student Ms Faiza Khan presented case studies on special needs children in BPA Trust 31 st Annual International Multidisciplinary Conference on ‘Different and Equal Psychological lens to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion’ on, March 1-2, 2024.

Two groups of students of Food Science and Nutrition department presented their original research papers in the URJITA-2024, an intercollegiate student research competition, organized by the Faculty of Home Science on February 3, 2024. Ms. Ifra Shaikh, Ms. Zainab Khan, and Ms. Manya Verma presented a paper titled, ‘Influence of Lifestyle Modifications on the Quality of Life of College-going Girls” under the mentorship of Dr. Amrita Behel. Ms. Afrin Nisha, Ms. Payoshni Joshi, and Ms. Gauri Pisal presented a paper titled, ‘Association of Dietary Habits and Physical Activity with the Risk Factors of PCOS/PCOD among Young Adults’ under the mentorship of Ms. Madhura Shirsat.

Third Year Resource Management students Ms. Suvidha Tarmale, Ms. Snehal Pandey, Ms. Firdous Khan and Ms. Kamman Sayyed won I prize for their research titled ‘Breaking Barriers – Exploring the Journey of Female Rickshaw Drivers in Mumbai’ and students Ms. Rutuja Padval, Ms. Ankita Bhatt and Ms. Nikita Kumari won II prize for their research titled ‘Beyond Boundaries – A Study on Motivation and Health related Challenges of Women Homepreneurs in Mumbai’ under the guidance of Ms. Nidhi Dattani at Urjita Intercollegiate Student’s Research competition organized by the Faculty of Home-science of our college on February 03, 2024.

Third Year Resource Management students Ms. Suvidha Tarmale, Ms. Snehal Pandey, Ms. Firdous Khan and Ms. Rutuja Padval presented a research paper titled ‘Exploring Perspectives and Concerns of Teacher less Classrooms in Higher Education’ at IDEAS research competition organized by the Dr BMN College of Home-science, Matunga under the guidance of Ms. Nidhi Dattani on March 01, 2024.

BAMM department organised Research Paper Competition on the topic ‘Media and Society’ for students on October 28, 2023. Following papers won prizes:

  • 1st Prize was shared by two Individuals Ms. Shruti Pandey for research on the topic ‘Women Empowerment through Print Media’ and Ms. Nida Khan for research on the topic ‘Impact of Outdoor Media on Society’
  • 2nd Prize was also won by two groups 1st group - Ms. Adiba Havaldar, Ms. Arya Dongre, Ms. Vedika
  • Ukalkar, Ms. Siddhi Jadhav and Ms. Sneha Waidande for research paper on the topic ‘Body Positivity and Social Media’ and second group Ms. Shabnam Sayyed, Ms. Riya Pawar, Ms. Sania Kazi research paper on the topic ‘Use of Social Media in Elections’
  • 3rd prize won by Ms. Bhavini Barot, Ms. Tejal Chauhan, Ms. Sidhi Bhosale for research paper on the topic ‘Use of Artificial Intelligence and It’s Influence on Society’

BMS Department organized ‘Research Paper Presentation Competition’ on the theme ‘India Enterprising’ on March 27, 2023. Prize winners are as below:

  • 1st prize- Ms. Shravani Rakte, Ms. Leesha Bisht, Ms. Christiana Samual (SYBMS & TYBMS)
  • 2nd prize- Ms. Snehal Padava, Ms. Zubaida Quazi, Ms. Zara Patel, Ms. Dilshad Sayyed (SYBMS)
  • 3rd prize- Ms. Shraddha Sharma, Ms. Prajapati Roshani, Ms. Singh Disha (SYBMS)

Ms. Christina Samuel, Ms. Leesha Bisht and Ms. Shravai Rakhte participated in an Intercollegiate Research Paper Competition organized by Laxmichand Golwala College, Ghatkopar on February 27, 2024.

Ms. Leesha Bisht, Ms. Ayesha Sayyad and Ms. Shravani Rakhte from TY and SYBMS participated in the title presentation for the International Economic Convention on ‘Building the Financial System of the 21st Century an Agenda for Switzerland’ on July 31, 2023.

Junior College
Mrs. Harshawardhini Pota completed Masters of Arts (Education) from Mumbai University with first class (71%) in July 2023.

Mrs. Harshawardhini Pota, Mr.Sanjay Patil and Mrs.Surekha Tambe completed online training for Selection Grade, organized by SCERT, Pune in the month of August-2023.

Mrs. Jyoti Kurhade and Mrs.Shama Borkar completed online training for senior scale organized by SCERT, Pune in the month of August 2023.

Mr. Sharad Palve completed MSCIT course.

International Economics Convention (2022-2023)

The Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board (HSNCB) hosts the International Economics Convention (IEC) every year to provide students with a platform to study, analyze, and debate the principles of economic policies and their implications on both national and international scales. Over the years, the convention has attracted participation not only from colleges under the Board and the University of Mumbai but also from international institutions such as West Georgia University and universities in Bulgaria, among others. The topics selected annually reflect current global challenges and pressing economic concerns, encouraging participants to propose actionable insights and frameworks that can serve as a foundation for subsequent discussions and initiatives. This initiative continues to empower students to engage with critical issues, foster intellectual growth, and contribute to meaningful economic discourse.

The 31st International Economic Convention, hosted by K.C. College under the auspices of the Hyderabad Sind National College Board, Mumbai, unfolded between December 11th and 13th, 2023. This year's convention theme was "Financial Market" and our college team was assigned Switzerland as the focus country, with the objective of conducting an in-depth study of its financial markets and proposing effective solutions. There were 7 participant colleges. The title, scope, and methodology of our paper were meticulously crafted and finalized during the title presentation conducted on Monday 31st July, 2023 held via online mode. Dr. Purvy Kariya and Dr. Nilesh Mhatre were the mentors who spearheaded the coordination and active participation in the 31st International Economic Convention. Title of the Research Paper was “Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Switzerland”. The following students participated and presented the research paper.

    1. Krisha Pravin Rabhadiya TYBcom
    2. Ayesha Ashfaque Sayyad SYBMS
    3. Ankita Vinod Shukla
    4. Shravani Avinash Rakte SYBMS
    5. Leesha Mahesh Bisht
    6. Christina Solomon Samuel TYBMS

Awards Received:

  • Best Research Paper Award: 2nd Runner-Up
  • Outstanding Student Contribution Award: Ms. Ankita Vinod Shukla SYBA
  • Best Speaker Award: Ms. Ayesha Ashfaque Sayyad SYBMS

International Economics Convention (2023-2024)

The 32nd International Economic convention held under the aegis of HSNC Board is an annual Flagship event held, which addresses compelling global issues and challenges. There were 9 participant colleges. The theme of the convention was ‘Flowing Forward: Global Strategies for Water Security and Sanitation’. Each college was assigned a country for the purpose of research study and our college was assigned the country France. A comprehensive 35-page research report was made by our research team and presented their findings and research on December 14, 2024. The faculty co-ordinators were Ms. Malti Singh and Dr. Aarti Vyas Varma. The report was titled ‘Embracing Blue Gold: France Strategy Towards Sustainable Future’. Team had the following student participants:

    1. Ms. Anushka Panigrahi (TYBMS)
    2. Ms. Snehal Padaya (TYBMS)
    3. Ms. Zaara Patel (TYBMS)
    4. Ms. Aqsa Ansari (SYBA- Economics)
    5. Ms. Khushi Naik (SYBA-Economics)
    6. Ms. Umme Shugra Shaikh (SYBA-Economics)

Ms. Snehal Padaya (TYBMS) won the best speaker and best contributor award for the team.

31st Bombay Psychological Association Multidisciplinary International Conference

Organized 31st Bombay Psychological Association Multidisciplinary International Conference on a theme ‘Different and Equal: Psychological Lens to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ in collaboration with the Bombay Psychological Association on March 1 & 2, 2024. The conference was attended by 140 delegates of professionals, academicians, research scholars and students. Overall, 30 empirical Research papers were presented by the delegates including the faculty and the students. A live telecast and an interactive session on DEI with an eminent Social Psychologist unfolded number of speculations.