Anti Ragging Committee

Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts by senior students on freshers

  • Any conduct by any senior student like serious teasing, treating or handling a fresher or junior student with rudeness
  • Senior students indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities causing annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or raising fear or apprehension in any fresher or junior student.

In view of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and UGC Regulations thereof, college has taken the preventive measures to eliminate ragging among students and to provide them healthy atmosphere for all round development. The college has a formal Anti Ragging Cell constituted as per the UGC guidelines which looks after the complaints of ragging. Students are made aware about prohibition of ragging, the punishment and how to get help in such incidence through mentoring sessions. Information about anti ragging cell is included in College Prospectus and website as per UGC guidelines.

For getting help

  • The college has an open door policy. Student can contact College Administration or the teacher in-charge. The college assures confidentiality.
  • The local police and local administration is also there to help. Anybody can register a complaint of Ragging. It does not have to be only the victim. Even if a student notices an incidence of Ragging she can inform about it.
  • A student can also register a complaint of Ragging - Anonymously.

Anti ragging Committee:

Sr. No. Name of the Members Designation
1. Dr. Asha Menon Principal and Chairperson
2. Dr. Madhuri Vaidya   Vice Principal (Arts)
3. Mr. Raju Chauhan Vice Principal (Commerce)
4. Dr. Rekha Randive Vice Principal (Home Science)
5. Dr. Suchita Bhovar Coordinator (BCA)
6. Dr. Manisha Parelkar Senior Teaching Staff Member
7. Dr.  Geeta Jadhav Senior Teaching Staff Member
8. Mr. Santosh Vadhrya Senior Teaching Staff Member
9. Mr. Shailesh Nayak Registrar
10. Ms. Meenakshi Kondary Administrative Staff Member
11. Mr. Ganesh Dhagaonkar Support Staff Member
12. Mrs. Jayashree Sawant Support Staff Member
13. Two General Secretaries of students council

Online Anti Ragging Undertaking on https://antiragging.in
Toll free no. 1800-180-5522 (24*7)
Website: www.antiragging.in
Contact details : [email protected]